Product Updates

November 2023

15th November 2023

Expanded Attribute Lists for Richer Data Analysis


This new feature provides users with the capability to expand attribute lists with additional columns. For example, a furniture list can now be extended to include suppliers, colours, and prices for each item. This unlocks powerful new analysis opportunities, helping users to closely monitor quantities and costs.

List attributes allow users to select from a list when adding objects to a plan such as a venue, type of equipment, role, or anything else.

15th November 2023

November 23 Improvements


Users can now:

  • Assign default values to Attributes 
  • Customise the order in which Attributes are displayed 
  • Export Layer data as a GeoJSON file 

Trusted by the World's Best Since 2015

“Birmingham 2022 is the largest event to be held in the UK since London 2012. That means it is an incredibly complex operation for us to manage. Iventis allows us to knit all of those requirements together in a single platform. It’s absolutely fantastic and so useful across the supply chain for everybody to have access across all of the different venues and fantastic from an efficiency and commercial value perspective”
Laurence Smith Head of Venue & Event Technology, Laurence Smith, Birmingham 2022
"Iventis helped us to provide a solution-led, end to end service for organisers of The Game Fair from CAD drawings and live operational planning to a visual sales tool that helped mark out the site on the ground."
Rupert Bassadone Founder, Event Site Design
Agricultural Show Planning

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